www.growtheducationpoints.com2021-09-16T16:46:33+00:00Online Nios solved Assignment 2022 For All subjects
Here our Website Provide (
www.growtheducationpoints.com) Online Nios Solved Assignment (NIOS SOLVED TMA) 2022 in Hand made for those students who do not make assignment himself. You can Order complete Assignment Solutions from here in Handwritten format (Hard-copy). also We provide Handwritten Solved Assignment for all subjects in all over India.
You can see all the subject list given below:
For Secondary Class (10th|Xth)
Hindi (201), English (202), Mathematics (211), Social Science (213), Science And Technology (212), Business Study (215), Economics (214), Home Science (216), Psychology (222), Indian Culture And Heritage (223), Accountancy (224), Sanskrit (209), Painting (225), Data Entry Operations (229) etc.
For Sr.Secondary Class (12th|XIIth)
Hindi (301), English (302), Sanskrit (309), Mathematics (311) , Physics (312), Chemistry (313), Biology (314), History (315), Geography (316), Political Science (317), Economics (318) , Business Studies (319), Accountancy (320), Home Science (321), Psychology (328), Computer Science (330), Sociology (331), Painting (332), Mass Communications (335), Data Entry Operations (336), Environmental Science (333), Introduction to Law (338), Library & Information Science (339), Tourism (337) ,
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