www.growtheducationpoints.com2018-12-16T02:57:59+00:00Tutor Marked Assignment
The Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) is NIOS assignments to be submitted by the course enrolled in class 10 or class 12 levels. For each subject selected by the students, there are three assignments that carry 6 questions. Students are required to complete all the assignments and submit to the subject teachers/tutors/coordinators at the allotted Accredited Institute (AI) for evaluation.
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What is NIOS Tutor Marked Assignment?
Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) are meant to help learners as they provide practice in writing answers to questions and get feedback. It is a kind of open book exams. Leaner has unlimited time to provide answer. Guidelines in this regard are also hosted on website.
TMA carries every type of question i.e. very short answers, short answers, long answers, and project (practical) based questions.
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Format of NIOS assignments
TMA carries 20 marks and as per the format, there will be 6 questions as mentioned under –
Questions 1, 2 and 3 are short answers type questions. Each question has two options of which only one has to be attempted. Each question carries 2 marks and thus, this section...