Nios Solved Assignment For All subjects Contact us-9582489391

Nios Solved Assignment For All subjects Contact us-9582489391 or join Whatsapp  Our website Offering Online Nios solved Assignment/TMA for April/October Examination 2022.You Can Download Current Session Solved Assignments . These assignments are for those students who will Participate in the Exam in April 2021 and October 2021 . You can Download assignment directly from my website. First visit our website:  Click Here NIOS Secondary Course (All subjects TMA)  ·         Hindi (201) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam ·         English (202) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam ·         Sanskrit (209) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam ·         Mathematics (211) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam ·         Science and Technology (212) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam ·         Social science (213) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam ·         Economics (214) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October exam ·         Business Studies (215) – Online Nios solved Assignment for 10th class - October...

nios solved assignment

Nios Tutor Mark Assignment | Schedule of Submission of TMA for the session 2021-22

Nios Tutor Mark Assignment | Schedule of Submission of TMA for the session 2021-22

(Click Here)

Nios Tutor Mark Assignment For April/May & Oct/Nov

TMA - By Learners to Study centres - 31st January TMA - Feedback by the Subject Teacher to the Learner - 15th February

Nios Tutor Mark Assignment For October/November Exam

TMA - By Learners to Study centres - 31st July TMA - Feedback by the Subject Teacher to the Learner - 15th August As per the Notification notification No 219/2014 dated 11th July, 2014 in respect of the modalities of the Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) in Secondary and Sr. Secondary Examinations. The Study Centres (AI)will submit the awards i.e Marks online after verification. After submission the print out of the same should be sent to the respective Regional Centre for further action.

AI are requested to get the USERID and the PASSWORD from the concerned Regional centre for submission of the TMA Award.

Instructions/Steps for Online submission of the Awards i.e Marks for the TMA

Click on the below link for Online Submission of the Marks for the TMA To have more authentication and secured system Regional Centre is provided with the User ID and the...




BUY NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT. Nios Solved Assignment 2022 available in all question with answer. prepared by experienced teacher. instantly downloadable. high quality. best customer support. 24*7 service. contact us -9582489391,9716138286

Most Important Facts relating to TMA: Click Here

(1) This assignment solution is based on the latest session 2021-22. This assignment is only for those students who have taken admission for (stream-1 & Block-1) April exam 2021-22. (2) The Last date of submission of this assignment is 31 January 2022 (For April examination). (3) Submit the assignment file at Your NIOS Perspective Study Centre/Regional Centre. (4) Good Quality Assignments help students to gain better Marks because of its 20% weightage in final Marksheet. (5) All the assignments are prepared by our well trained and experienced professional Teachers. (6) Solutions are clear, accurate, Most reliable, to the point factual and under the word limit which carry maximum marks. (6) You can read assignments on your smart phone also. (7) All assignments are available in PDF format which is easily printable. (8) we assured 100% refund guarantee in case of any mismatch. (9)  you can download the desirous pdf from our dashboard and Email after payment. Send me your subject code or Subject Name by SMS /WhatsApp. Medium or class. After that...




ONLINE NIOS SOLVED TMA (निओस) और इग्नू  (IGNOU) के लिखा हुआ असाइनमेंट (Handwritten Assignment) लेने के लिए आप  हमारे वेबसाइट से आर्डर कर सकते हैं। हम आपको काम से कम समय मे निओस (NIOS) असाइनमेंट फ़ाइल प्रोजेक्ट वर्क के साथ पूरा करके देंगें। हम इंडिया के सभी क्षेत्र में इंडियन पोस्ट और प्राइवेट कुरियर के माध्यम से पहुँचाते हैं। NIOS SOLVED TMA/ASSIGNMENT FOR SOFT COPY FILE Here Also you can Get All types of Handwritten and Soft Copy (PDF) Solved Assignment Of all Subject either NIOS & Ignou. We provide All over India through email and By post. You can see all the subject list given below: For Secondary Class (10th|Xth) click Here Hindi (201) English (202) Urdu (206) Sanskrit (209) Mathematics (211) Science & Technology (212) Social Science (213) Economics (214) Business Studies (215) Home Science (216) Psychology (222) Indian Culture and Heritage (ICH) (223) Accountancy (224) Painting (225) Data Entry Operations (229) Why You Should Take NIOS & IGNOU Handwritten Solved Assignments: If you are a working person & you have No Proper time to Write Assignment . If you are house wife and you have no enough time If you are Pursuing More then one course. Or If you are in emergency cases And an unable...

chemistry solved assignment hard copy

Nios chemistry 313 Handwritten Assignment-(Hindi medium)

Nios Handwritten Assignment-chemistry 313 (Hindi medium)

निओस (NIOS) के लिखा हुआ असाइनमेंट (Nios chemistry 313 Handwritten Assignment) लेने के लिए आप  हमारे वेबसाइट से आर्डर कर सकते हैं। हम आपको काम से कम समय मे निओस (NIOS) असाइनमेंट फ़ाइल प्रोजेक्ट वर्क के साथ पूरा करके देंगें। हम इंडिया के सभी क्षेत्र में इंडियन पोस्ट और प्राइवेट कुरियर के माध्यम से पहुँचाते हैं। इश्के अलावा आप हमरे वेबसाइट से  निओस (NIOS) और इग्नू  (IGNOU) साल्व्ड असाइनमेंट सॉफ्ट कॉपी (PDF) तुरंत डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं, NIOS Solved Assignment (Tutor marked Assignment-TMA solutions) with Project Work (Including Question No-6) Hand written copy. Hand written copy (Hard copy) sent by post/courier at your address. Which have been given by You during order time. Courier dispatched Next or Next to Next days after your Order. Our Courier partner sent you courier receipt by your email or whatsApp instantly which have to track your Order. Process for Order to Hard copy Assignment  Choose your subject, subject code & Medium.  Click to “ADD TO CARD” then continue  Check out  fill your order form and then complete payment You will received confirmation message in email. DIRECT DOWNLOAD NIOS SOFT COPY Assignment   Contact us -9582489391, 7992278944 or join WhatsApp THANK...

Nios Handwritten Solved Assignment

Nios TMA solved paper class 10th/12th-Best Deals on Nios Assignment Material

Nios TMA solved paper class 10th/12th-Best Deals on Nios Assignment Material

Nios TMA solved paper | Contact us 9582489391,8809484815

Dear Student, Nios TMA solved paper As explained in the course  guide for 10th or 12th, assignments carry 20 per cent weightage in a course and it is mandatory that you have to secure at least 40 per cent marks in assignments to complete a course successfully. Note that you have to submit the assignments before appearing in  Examination of a course. We provide Nios solved Assignment for all subjects. Class 10th or 12th class both in Hindi or English us 9582489391,8809484815

Simple process

Send me your subject code or Subject Name by SMS /WhatsApp. Medium or class. After that I will send payment details. After payment I will sand your assignment by email or whatsapp. We provide two type Assignment like soft copy or hard copy. Soft copy is a E-copy (PDF) Hard copy is a physical copy (handwritten) For One subject soft copy Rs. 150 charges For One subject hard copy Rs. 250 Pr subject  plus courier charges.

Last date of Submission

For March- April 2020 session, you need to submit the assignments by January 31, 2020, and for September-October 2020 session by July...




2022 ONLINE NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT also known Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) is an Integral part of the Students curriculum in both Secondary and senior Secondary. All students have to submit their Assignments at their concerned study centre. 2022 ONLINE NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT. Mr Santosh kumar 9582489391, 7992278944 How to Prepare Answer Script for TMAs? You are required to complete the assignment in your own handwriting in the chosen subjects only. Use one sided lined paper to prepare answer script for TMAs and submit them to your teacher at your Study Centre (AI). Answer Quality :  1) Standard Answer format is provided. 2) Assignments are prepared by experienced teachers. 4) Solutions are for your Quick reference , Please use your own sentence taking help from these. 5) Important Instructions regarding Preparation of Answer is also included. Point to point: 1) Answers are accurate and to the point. 2) Answers are in English & Hindi(Students who have chosen Hindi medium can also submit assignments in English). 3) Answer files are in PDF format. 4) You can ask for help directly by chat Whatsapp. Last date for submission of TMA is 31st January 2022 for STREAM 1 students who are going to appear in April 2022...

Nios solved assignment 2021-22

Secondary class Nios solved Assignment -English or Hindi Medium In PDF

Secondary class Nios solved Assignment|Class 10th Solved Assignment  

Buy Online Secondary class Nios solved Assignment. NIOS Solved Assignment (TMA) with Project Work (Included Question 6) E-Copy. Latest Assignment for October exam 2022, visit my website : & Order Hand written Solved Assignment. These assignments are for English Medium/ Hindi Medium Students. Do not facing you any type problem doing copy from my assignment because my All assignments is computerized typed. It is chargeable. You can see below its cost for soft copy and hard copy Assignment. Nios Solved TMA Rs.170 pr subjects (soft copy) for 10th & 12th class [same price] Nios Solved TMA Rs. 300 pr subjects (Hard copy) for 10th & 12th class [same price] Payment Mode-Net banking, cash deposit, credit card/debit card, UPI, paytm etc. We are providing All over India through email and via courier or Indian post. NIOS Secondary Course, Secondary Course (All subjects TMA) Available here!In English or Hindi Medium. Subjects Name for 10th class Assignment- Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Science, Economics, Business, Studies, Home Science; Psychology, Indian Culture and Heritage, Painting, Data Entry Operations & Accountancy. हम आपको यहाँ Solved Assignment File PDF Format में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय और माध्यम चुने और इसे...


What is Tutor marked Assignment In Nios| NIOS ट्यूटर marked असाइनमेंट क्या है?

What is Tutor marked Assignment In Nios| NIOS ट्यूटर marked असाइनमेंट क्या है?

NIOS ट्यूटर मार्कड असाइनमेंट (टीएमए) कक्षा 10 या कक्षा 12 के स्तर पर नामांकित पाठ्यक्रम द्वारा प्रस्तुत किए जाने वाले एनआईओएस असाइनमेंट हैं. जिसके अंतर्गत छात्रों द्वारा चुने गए प्रत्येक विषय के लिए, तीन असाइनमेंट होंगे, प्रत्येक असाइनमेंट 6 प्रश्नों पर आधारित होगा. छात्रों को मूल्यांकन के लिए आवंटित मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थान (AI) में सभी असाइनमेंट को पूरा कर शिक्षकों/ट्यूटर/coordinators को जमा करना अनिवार्य है.TMA में हर प्रकार के प्रश्न छात्रों के लिए उपलब्ध कराए जाते हैं, जैसे अति-लघुउत्तरीय प्रश्न, लघुउत्तरीय प्रश्न, दीर्घ-उत्तरीय प्रश्न तथा प्रोजेक्ट (प्रैक्टिकल) बेस्ड प्रश्न होते है 

NIOS असाइनमेंट का प्रारूप:

TMA 20 अंको का होगा और प्रारूप के अनुसार, 6 प्रश्न होंगे जो नीचे हम विस्तार में उल्लिखित कर रहे हैं: प्रश्न 1, 2 और 3 संक्षिप्त उत्तर करने वाले प्रश्न होते हैं. प्रत्येक प्रश्न में दो विकल्प दिया जाता है जिनमें से केवल एक का ही उत्तर छात्रों को करना होता है. प्रत्येक प्रश्न 2 अंको का होगा और इस प्रकार, इस खंड में 6 अंक के पूरे प्रश्न होंगे. प्रश्न 4 और 5 दीर्घ-उत्तरीय प्रश्न होंगे. इन प्रश्नों में भी विकल्प मौजूद होंगे और आपको केवल एक का ही उत्तर करना होगा. प्रत्येक प्रश्न...