WE Provide NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22 /Solved Tutor marked assignment For class 10th and 12th. Get TMA of Soft copy & Hard Copy In English medium and Hindi medium as your choice.

NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22, Contact us – 7992278944, 9582489391

TMA carries every type of question i.e. very short answers, short answers, long answers, and project (practical) based questions.

#NIOS से 10th & 12th कर रहे  सभी student’s के लिए Assignment submit करना अनिवार्य है.  हम आपको यहाँ Solved Assignment File PDF Format  में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय  और माध्यम  के असाइनमेंट आर्डर कर सकते  है   असाइनमेंट प्राप्त  करने के बाद  फाइलें  तैयार  करें , और  अपने स्टडी सेंटर/ क्षेत्रीय केंद्र  पर जमा करायें | 31 JANUARY  2020 अंतिम तिथि असाइनमेंट जमा करने के लिए || अधिक जानकारी  के लिये संपर्क करे : 07992278944,09582489391 (Join Whatsaap)

#Format of NIOS assignments

NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22 TMA carries 20 marks and as per the format, there will be 6 questions as mentioned under –

Questions 1, 2 and 3 are short answers type questions. Each question has two options of which only one has to be attempted. Each question carries 2 marks and thus, this section carries 6 marks.

Question 4 and 5 are long answer type questions. These questions too have choices and you only have to attempt one and for each question, 4 marks will be given i.e. for both the questions 8 marks is allotted.

The question no. 6 comprises two projects and students have to attempt only one of the two. This question carries 6 marks.

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####निओस के एडमिशन, गाइड बुक्स, असाइनमेंट से जुड़ी जानकारी के लिये आप  हमें कॉल  कर सकते हैं।

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Mr. Santosh Kumar

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