Handwritten TMA Solved For Nios Board | Get Nios TMA File solved For All subjects
Handwritten TMA Solved For Nios Board | Get Nios TMA File solved For All subjects
We Offering Handwritten TMA Solved fully solved with project work. Latest assignment 2022 for April exam (soft copy & Hard copy). Based on New Syllabus and Question Pattern with Answers. You can get it within 5 minutes anywhere in the World. NIOS से 10th & 12th कर रहे student’s के लिए Assignment submit करना अनिवार्य है. हम आपको यहाँ Solved Assignment File PDF Format में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय और माध्यम चुने और इसे आप download कर ले.
What is the Benefit of Nios TMA File
Get 20 percent Marks by Assignment without given exam. Best opportunity for all nios student who appear in April exam 2022. Submit assignment at study centre before last date (31-01-2022).
You are required to complete the assignment in your own handwriting in the chosen subjects only. Use one sided lined paper to prepare answer script for TMAs and bind them in a report file then submit them to your teacher at your Study Centre (AI) And GET 20 Marks Every subject by TMA File.
Based on New Syllabus and Question Pattern with Answers. You can get it within 5 min. anywhere in the World.
Required Information (Click Here)
Subject Name/ subject code, Medium, class, email id or WhatsApp No. Send me by sms or email or whatsapp (My contact No-9582489391, 7992278944) After that I will send you payment details after payment I will send you.
Soft copy Assignment/TMA Solved- Rs.150 Pr subject (Fixed Rate)
Hand written Assignment /TMA file- Rs. 300 pr subject (Fixed Rate)
As you all know you NIOS Board students have to submit assignments till 31st January 2022. For your help I have worked upon these assignments and prepared reference answers which can help you to prepare your assignments and get good marks. You can also download from My website – www.growtheducationpoints.com
Note :- We are also providing Nios Guide books, Nios Sample paper Guide,Nios 10th class Guide book, Nios 12th class guide books Admission Support etc.
For More Info. Contact us…
“M.r Santosh Kumar”
Call-9582489391, 7992278944 or ( join Whatsapp)
Growth Education Points (Educational service provider)
Emil di – growtheducationpoints@gmail.com